Fiscal Calendar Loaded Through the Universal Adapter

  1. In DAC, go to the Design view, and select the appropriate custom container from the drop-down list.
  2. Display the Source System Parameters tab.
  3. Set the value of $$GBL_CALENDAR_ID and $$GBL_DATSOURCE_NUM_ID as follows:
    • $$GBL_CALENDAR_ID: Should be the INTEGRATION_ID from the file_mcal_cal_d.csv file of the particular calendar which is defined as the Global Calendar.
    • $$GBL_DATASOURCE_NUM_ID: If Global Calendar is not a Generated Calendar: Should be the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID of the source system from where the Calendar definition is taken, if its defined in the file_mcal_period_ds.csv file then that value should be taken or else as defined in DAC for Universal adapter.
  4. Using a text editor, edit the values in the w_mcal_config_g.csv file.
  5. Using a text editor, edit the values in the w_mcal_config_d.csv file.
  6. If you are using Oracle Financial Analytics and Oracle Project Analytics to lookup the calendar ID for a given ledger OU, using a text editor, edit the values in the w_mcal_context_g.csv file.
  7. Using a text editor, edit the values in the w_mcal_period_ds.csv file (if required).
  8. In DAC, set the value of $$GBL_CALENDAR_ID and $$GBL_DATASOURCE_NUM_ID (as in scenario 4).

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